FP360 Isofix car seat ( Carbon )
An all-in-one dualfix car seat for the family! The stylish Carbon.
Il FP360 Isofix car seat by Foppapedretti has a swivelling and reclining seat, that follows the child’s growth: it is homologated for groups 0+/1/2/3, from birth up to 36 kg of weight, approximately 12 years of age. The “easy positioning swivelling seat system is very practical: the seat can be rotated towards the car door to place the child conveniently.
FP360 is very comfortable thanks to the reducer and the internal ergonomic paddings, and it is also very stilish, thanks to the faux leather fabric details. The headrest and the harness can be adjusted simultaneously at different heights.
Homologated for groups 0+/1/2/3: FP360 car seat must always be secured to the vehicle’s seat with ISOFIX anchors and Top Tether belt for groups 0+ and 1. Dual Fix for groups 2 and 3. It can be used in the rear-facing position for children from birth up to 18 kg.